Where is the Physical Therapy Department in relationship to the doctor’s office?
Physical Therapy is located in the same building on the first floor Suite 110.

How do I become a patient in Physical Therapy?
You will need a prescription for Physical Therapy from a physician to be scheduled for PT. Once you have a prescription, contact the PT department by coming into the department after you see the doctor or call 248-377-8000 ext: 1100 to set up an appointment.

Does my insurance cover Physical Therapy and how much will it cost?
We accept most insurance. We will verify your PT coverage and give you an estimation of your insurance benefits prior to starting your first visit. We always recommend that you also contact your insurance to avoid any future questions. Unfortunately, there can be out of pocket expenses not covered by your health care insurance. Consider Physical Therapy is a great investment in your general health and well-being.

How long are my first appointment and other treatments that follow?
Your first visit will be your initial evaluation. It will last approximately one hour. You will also start treatment on that day, insurance pending. The following therapy appointments will last anywhere from 45-75 minutes on average.

What happens in Physical Therapy?
Your first visit will include the initial evaluation where we will review your medical history and evaluate the musculo-skeletol system pertaining to your diagnosis. Depending on your diagnosis and chief complaints, we will take measurements involving Range of Motion, Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Function, Swelling and Posture. We will then establish a treatment program based on the doctors recommendations and our clinical findings. Most treatments require hands on manual therapy, patient education, and therapeutic exercises.

Can you accommodate my busy work/home schedule?
Generally we are open from 6:00 am – 7:00 pm Monday-Thursday and until 6:00 on Friday. We do our very best to accommodate each patients schedule.

How do you communicate with my physician about my progress?
We send our initial evaluations and progress notes to the physicians for review. If we have any questions about your Physical Therapy, we have direct access to clinical findings including x-rays, physician clinical test results, and operative notes to help determine the most accurate treatment protocol. In addition, we are in direct contact with our physicians daily. We pride ourselves in having a great relationship with each physician understanding his procedures and protocols.

What do I wear for my first visit?
Please dress in exercise clothes if possible. If you have a lower extremity problem, shorts or loose pants that can be rolled up are preferred. If you are a shoulder patient, sleeveless shirts are best. For a spine problem, loose/elastic clothing is preferred. We recommend tennis shoes for all patients.

Do you have changing facilities?
We have a full bathroom with a shower for our patient’s convenience and lockers to secure your personal belongings.